STILETTO Holistic Therapist | Lorefashionstyle
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The seven chakras  are the wheels that make our spirit align with our body and mind. If one of these wheels moves either too fast or too slow, or  is completely stuck, we are no longer wired to ourselves. We come to feel unbalanced, misplaced, wondering with no purpose and disconnected from our true essence. ​What causes the chakras to malfunction? The answers are as diverse as they can be. From unhealthy lifestyles, to toxic habits and relationships all the way to ancestral family situations, relationships and blockages. But it falls upon you to try and return to your true essence and to make these seven wheels spin in harmony.  Meditating, chakra dance, mandala art drawing , and crystal therapy are but a few of the ways you can restore balance and open the chakras so that you  are fulfilled, aligned with the spirit and balanced in thought and action. You will shine like never before once all your wheels are working in harmony. You should always remember that the outside is a mirror or our inside. So heal your inner self to fall in love with your outer self.


Chakra dance

Clean and heal your chakras to find balance in your life

Crystal therapy

Find your inner peace in the power of crystals

Connecting to the roots

Use the recharging power of nature to heal your mind and soul

Intuitive dance

Celebrate being in the present moment and learn self awareness while aligning to your higher-self

Colors that match your

 Discover the power of colors to promote healing and balance in your life. 

 Workshops and Courses

Treat your mind, body and soul with more spiritual learning and style tips

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